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The article is worth reading, I like it very much

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Thank you for posting this article. I also plugged the show on Face book, with mixed results from my friends. All I ask of people, whether they are familiar with homeopathy or not, is to watch the story.

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Taking care of the environment is the best thing to do in life. We may notice that most of the people are taking advantage of the benefits the environment is giving. This should not be, instead we must have to value everything that we could get form the nature.

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I have been writing about green things only rarely lately, yet my inbox is overflowing with press http://www.nikesoccercleatsshoes.comreleases from companies seeking coverage in time for Earth Day. I actually read a few of these alerts this morning. Among the pressing

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Next up for the winner: a spot on the stage at November’s Live in the Vineyard concert.

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Which clean technologies does the former vice president think hold the most promise? Is Gore a bore or are we a society of ADHD-riddled bimbos who fail to pay attention to well-reasoned warnings at our peril?

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Some 15 million Americans remain unemployed, among them (perhaps scores of) laid-off journalists in the room. It's been sobering during the SEJ conference to run across some of the nation's finest environmental reporters living on unemployment benefits.

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It's been sobering during the SEJ conference to run across some of the nation's finest environmental reporters living on unemployment benefits.

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It's been sobering during the SEJ conference to run across some of the nation's finest environmental reporters living on unemployment benefits.


It's been sobering during the SEJ conference to run across some of the nation's finest environmental reporters living on unemployment benefits.

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This is fantastic, he really did big help for us and mother nature.

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this campaign across the world. Each one of us have to strive to create a healthy and sustainable en

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The greener the better. Being aware of conserving energy can help save mother earth.

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Honesty is the moral foundation of society.

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Good post you are so great !

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The greener the better. Being aware of conserving energy can help save mother earth.


As of now, every country are gearing towards the use of renewable source of energy. None renewable energy are depleting and have caused a lot of harm in the environment. Although consumption are high which means the demand is on its peak, prices will get high. This is not a good news. We have to think of alternatives to supply energy source to our avid consumers.

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I've been a fan of AlGore for the last 3 years now, he changes my view in life and on my environment.

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I've been a fan of AlGore for the last 3 years now, he changes my view in life and on my environment.

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Al Gore is my inspiration in my new goal for being a nature lover. He really did change my life for a cause!


I'm glad you said it! "... a society of ADHD-riddled bimbos who fail to pay attention to well-reasoned warnings at our peril?"

You'll have to ask Big Money, Big Business, Big Coal, Big Coal and the Big Car Guys (not Gore) where the green jobs are. Every single cent of bail-out money should have been required to go into retooling -- at wartime speed. What a wasted opportunity.


Very well said with Gore :)

Nice collection of videos :)


Good so wonderful you post !. gucci handbags

Casper Donovan

I really admire Al Gore, he's doing so much for the environment, an entire generation will be grateful to him for his almost single-handed issues to keep climate in the spotlight. We all owe him bigtime.

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