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Miriam Dittrich

The semiconductor industry is certainly growing, and I think that there are a lot of jobs that have surfaced since the recovery of the damages caused by the recession has started. Those LED lights can be the solution to a greener world, man. I really hope they'll be able to continue the development.

Dr. Light

Green is definitely good and healthy. It doesn't take that much more effort to be a little more green. If it helps out the world then that is awesome, but even if it doesn't it's hardly an inconvenience.


People should learn more about energy alternatives like electric cars. The new ones coming out are way better than gas cars. One of the main electric car companies, Zap, has delivered more than 100,000 electric vehicles (source: EV’s cost 1 to 3 cents per mile to run, compare that to regular cars!


People should learn more about energy alternatives like electric cars. The new ones coming out are way better than gas cars. One of the main electric car companies, Zap, has delivered more than 100,000 electric vehicles (source: EV’s cost 1 to 3 cents per mile to run, compare that to regular cars!

aliza wasserman

PG&E has not greened its electricity. It merely paid for expensive green colored advertising. It is is still a nuclear and gas power company. It's own electricity generation has less than 1% from solar.

They are positioning nuclear as the 'green energy'. Children in Russia today, are still being born retarded, due to the nuclear accident at Chernobyl. There still is no solution for toxic nuclear waste - so PG&E is setting us and our children up for the same risks.

When companies who are largely responsible for the climate crisis - i.e. power and car companies - start advertising how 'green' they are --- we need to be especially critical of how that plays in to pacifying the public from demanding serious and safe climate laws.

More info on PG&E's classic greenwashing see:


Check out this US Carbon Footprint Map, an interactive United States Carbon Footprint Map, illustrating Greenest States to Cities. This site has all sorts of stats on individual State & City energy consumptions, demographics and more down to your local US City level...

Stan tarutis

I just would like to intruduce people to a new way to do tjier wash - using COLD WATER & NO CHEMICALS.
Please advise.


I ran across a great new website that does one great environmental thing, it lists and promotes green homes for sale - worldwide.

Listed Green has gone beyond the typical site, with no banner ads and personally reviews each new listing to ascertain to be green. A low fee for seller and developers.

I also read they will be present with a booth at the AltBuild Expo in Santa Monica, CA on May 19th.

I wish Listed Green great speed in becoming the true MLS for green homes for sale.

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