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Thank you! I didn't know they picked up on it until I saw your comment.

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When it comes to apps, no one can beat the i Phone.

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iPhone is one of the favorite gadget of mine.And i like all the products from the Apple.They have the unique class of products.

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Apple always opts for the tough options all together and Mac attack should be reduced by sheer judgment power.

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Can Tennessee stop the Mac Attack this week?
After rushing for 321 yards against S. Carolina, Mcfadden is looking almost upstoppable. And having Jones for a backup should make it even tougher.


Okay, I love gadgets, but even I think every single new gadget coming out nowadays is a bit excessive. So it's a tad cumbersome to carry around a mobile phone, camera, music player, and a PDA (did I forget anything else?), but come on, whoever said everyone needs to bring those things everywhere all the time? Combining all those things in one shiny new gadget will definitely make lots of people drool with desire, and convince them enough to discard their perfectly serviceable things. Tsk tsk. Wasteful.


Oh how we are on the same page on this one. I just posted a wee rant about the iPhone on my blog ( if you're THAT bored). What gives with people that they get that obsessed over a product that duplicates the benefits of myriad nearly identical products? Umm. .the world is dying folks - this phone isn't going to help make things better. Idiots. . . sometimes I think we deserve our fate. Then, I wake up and paste a smile upon my weathered face and soldier on! Where there's a will, and a copy of Lester Brown's "Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble," there's a way!

Great post. Totally spot on.

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