Some accuse Craigslist of wiping out the income for struggling independent newspapers. But Craigslist's free classified ads have more fans than haters. Where else can you find a sweet apartment and furnish it for free in an afternoon? Apartment listings and recycled furniture are merely the point of entry for the no-frills, freaks-friendly community site. Craigslist has become a global phenomenon--hooked people up with homes, husbands, and heartbreaks; and inspired a movie that will show you so I don't have to describe what may be your own lifestyle, especially if you're a green-minded city-dweller.
Maybe you tap into Craigslist to find raw foodists to cart off your dusty food dehydrator, or to locate a stuck-in-the-90s taker for those shameful Girbauds, without lumping your junk into landfills. You might rely on the site to trade up, like founder Craig himself did, from some old Saturn to an eco-friendlier Prius. Of course it's where I met and then parted with a biodiesel 1981 Mercedes 300D (RIP).
Like eBay or the newer Freecycle, Craigslist can help you live a less wasteful lifestyle outside of the mall matrix. Not only that, but as an empire of 21 employees, Craigslist itself is a sustainable enterprise. Craig expresses no desire to cash in on the multimillions he could earn in days by popping up a few text ads and he seems driven by altriusm, according to this interview.
tags: craigslist
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