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Im impressed how the society and other teams pushed and pursued the whole program.

William Maderas

Ecological Society of America Presents Workshop on Building “Green” Communities, San Jose Convention Center, August 4th

Panel to Write Guidelines for Assisting Local Governments in
Developing Sustainable, ‘Green’ Communities

San Jose, Calif., July 9, 2007 — The Ecological Society of America ( is presenting a workshop on building green communities during its national meeting on August 4, 2007 at the San Jose Convention Center, from 8:30 am-5 pm.

“Restoring Internal Control in Agroecosystems and Building a Foundation for Sustainable Communities” is the topic of the workshop that will be presented by a 15 member panel. Moderated by Dr. Gar House, the goal of this workshop is to compose a set of written guidelines which assist local governments in developing sustainable, ‘green’ communities.

“Agriculture is fundamental to human existence, yet current methods are unsustainable. Restoration of internal ecosystem control to agriculture provides a framework for mitigation of global resource depletion. Pathways for restoring internal control to agriculture systems is a common ground for educators, researchers, farmers, citizens, and legislators,” says Dr. House.

The justification and vision for the workshop is to write guidelines for organizing and developing sustainable communities. In sustainable agriculture there is an enormous gap between what is known and what is practiced. His workshop will explore methods of raising ‘sustainable’ consciousness at the community level.

The workshop examines agroecosystems from five view points of view: design and construction of agroecosystem prototypes; extending the definition of agroecosystems to include tended ‘wild’ areas; retrofitting suburbs for local food production; public health restoration via physical re-design; and educating the community in land stewardship and sustainable concepts.

The workshop’s primary task is to identify pathways to address the issues faced by these five key areas and integrate them into a set of guidelines to develop sustainable communities. The workshop addresses these questions:
• What are sustainable communities and why are they important?
• How can agricultural activities be returned to the core of the community?
• How is a sustainable community constructed and become operational?
• How do we encourage school districts to teach land stewardship literacy?
• How do you turn a suburban lot into a mini-food producing farm?
• How do communities overcome decadent attitudes and concepts?
For more information on agroecosystems visit:

Media contact: William Madaras, Madaras Communicatons at 408-390-3160 or [email protected]

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