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I wonder if any of the people from the electronics show wandered over to the adult show - if they did I bet they were in for a bit of an eye opener!


Funy and interesting thing, expo, quite unusual for me, but for others it might be as simple as good...


What's that? a sex dolls or just sexy manikins? :)

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Around the corner, Cheryl Flagel showed off Kama Sutra oils, which offer few eco-friendly selling points (and which I spied at said after

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Around the corner, Cheryl Flagel showed off Kama Sutra oils, which offer few eco-friendly selling points (and which I spied at said after


The week's after-hour parties were a nightmare-inducing mix. Combine Microsoft flacks in spaghetti straps, steroidal SoCal pornsters, and wannabe Ludacris groupies

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Around the corner, Cheryl Flagel showed off Kama Sutra oils, which offer few eco-friendly selling points (and which I spied at said after hours party).

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great topic nice blog
I hope I can visit the next adult expo! Maybe I can find something for my boyfriend
thanks for let us know

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Even though this was a few years ago, it's still a fantastic review. Nice job.


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