"It's not sexy being green (yet)," the New York Times Style desk blared last week. "In other words, environmentalists need to be less preachy." But the sunny L.A. Times hinted at the opposite in "Fads out of style" last Sunday, saying a search for meaning is already shifting our habits:
We're acting locally, living "consciously" and buying organic because the world's a fragile, stressful place...
Spinning mankind's quest for survival into mind candy, surely Madison Avenue's scheming hard over how to make hot action out of recyclables and bioplastics (bet they won't take the FuckforForest approach). Paper Magazine (sincerely?) offers freebies if you warm its hearts and loins with "the best idea for making green cool and trendy."
This plea need not sound so desperate; the widespread adoption of sustainable technologies is growing organically. Never mind that Organic Style folded; after all, sales shot up before it lost its edge. And the expansion of the often irreverent "sustainable blogosphere" is evidence that green-positive thinking is fertile. Environmentalism is far from dead; it's just entering puberty.
true, and rotten for the complexion. what are we in for?
Posted by: elsa | 2005.10.13 at 07:17 PM
But puberty was painful --
Posted by: green LA girl | 2005.10.13 at 12:56 AM