Remember those cloying Herbal Essences ads in which petite librarians orgasm over washing their hair? City Hippy, among many, laughs out loud at that campaign for the poser, non-organic, multinational shampoo. But Clairol laughs all the way to the bank.
"Is there a way that we can get people feeling about solar energy like those women felt in the shower with that shampoo?" wonders the CEO of ICP Solar, a Canadian company. "In my mind, they have targeted the absolute most important factor in the success of a product..customer satisfaction." Soon, alternative marketers will stop scaring people off with the grunge-and-goody-two-shoes image and start sexing up clean energy.
It should be easy enough with solar power. Wait, a commercial is coming to me. It starts like this: Turn-offs? (Insert a belching smokestack.) Turn-ons? (Insert a cute, pink fur and shiny pants-clad brunette dancing in the sun.)
That's who was showing off her boyfriend's Solar DJ getup in Berkeley, which I spied last weekend. David Quattro has hooked up a movable music feast, a truck with solar panels to power booming speakers. You can rent the portable, sunshine-powered service for parties. It can store a full day of electricity and lets you dance in the dark for 8 hours too. Check out photos of how the Solar DJ works here.
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