Just when I believe that people are seeking a kinder, simpler life and flocking to sustainable design, my Bay area bubble bursts with a story like this: Americans want showy, not cozy homes, reports the Christian Science Monitor. That means "great" rooms with vaulted ceilings, and sprawling landscaping outside the window.
One encouraging find: 80 percent of people would rather build than buy a home, according to a poll by Associated Designs. Hence the market for sleek, high-ceilinged "green" abodes as the Now House (on the left). And after watching my childhood neighborhood get invaded by brick-fence-enclosed townhomes, I'm heartened that 73 percent of those surveyed want a front porch.
Sales of million-dollar-and-up homes (right) may finally be slowing. The glut of new mini-mansions has some owners dropping prices.